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Mustafa's workshop brassware

The brassware training courses are held in  fondouk, a sort of caravanserai,in Marrakech medina. Where Mustafa settled his boutique-shop since 2006 and still welcomes his customers and the brassware lovers . He likes to explain for example how such activity is organized in his workshops, because nothing is left at random . Actually the work is divided up into five specialized workshops, which all correspond to a stage of brassworking. Four of them are located within a hundred yards, organized around a small courtyard :in the "Lefssala" the brass is cutted according to the desired measures, before finally being formatted in the workshop" tatbaylit and hammering "and when the various pieces of the same product are ready, they are assembled and welded in the "Lham" and then in another workshop, the craftsmen polish the pieces to make them brilliant. Finally, it is in the workshop zouak located in foundouk,that the brass is engraved using traditional methods of brassware.

Mustafa likes that the training courses take place in its various workshops so that  his students become immersed in an atmosphere particularly conducive to learning.

The workshop zouak is also a place of encounter and exchange. Mustafa exhibits his work:  the traditional Moroccan  : lanterns, pots, pans and trays.  where He spent much of his time, making his engravings between visits and customer questions.

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