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- Marrakech

From 10/06/2024 to 10/12/2024, this workshop was evaluated 1 times
The averages of the scores are:
Program and stages content: 10/10
Accomodation by the professional and exchanges: 10/10
Technical skills of the professional: 10/10
Organization and animation by Ateliers d'Ailleurs : 10/10

Commentary from Erik R., the 08/02/2013:

Thank you for this great course and many intersting insights into Morrocan cuisine and culture . A nd thanks to the cook for being so patient with us ! We had a great time , also it was great for us that a mediator / translator was present to assist the cultural exchange . THANK YOU !

Program and stages content: 10/10
Accomodation by the professional and exchanges: 10/10
Technical skills of the professional: 10/10
Organization and animation by Ateliers d'Ailleurs : 10/10
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  • Moroccan cooking class : TRIDE - Aurélie M., le 2010-05-19
     Bravo à ateliers d’ailleurs pour l’organisation et merci à Mohamed (prononcé à la marocaine !!) de nous avoir accompagné dans cette ave ...
  • poterie - Romaric S., le 02/07/2016
    Nous avons adoré la métaphore " tout fonctionne en couple, mâle et femelle quelque soit la création" Cet artisan est tres intelligent communiquant ...
  • Pottery training course: casting and turning techniques - Isabelle F., le 25/07/2016
    Un excellent moment passé avec Hafsa et Mohammed. Hafsa a su traduire et nous assister pendant toute cette matinée. Mohammed nous a fait partager sa ...

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tel 0 212 (0)6 62 16 60 26 / 00212(0)6 72 81 20 46