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Livre d'or
- Cours de cuisine marocaine : COUSCOUS AUX OIGNONS CONFITS - Thea W., le 01/07/2016
This was an amazing experience from the very start where we were collected from our hotel. Our guide was fantastic and we learned so much about cul ... - Stage mosaïque : zellige - Fifi F., le 11/07/2016
July 11th Very pleased with our lovely assistant and the amazing mosaic experience. My partner and I have learnt a lot and can now really a ... - Stage poterie : moulage et tournage - Romaric S., le 02/07/2016
Nous avons adoré la métaphore " tout fonctionne en couple, mâle et femelle quelque soit la création" Cet artisan est tres intelligent communiquant ...
- Ateliers d'Ailleurs a été qualifié "d'excellent" par voyageurs