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Basketry training course : doum palm leaves & reed stems - Marrakech

  • Code : A5101-4h-009
  • Duration : 04h00
  • Price : 49 €
  • Craftsman: E. Mustapha
  • City : Marrakech
  • Location :
  • Nb of persons : From 1 to 6
From 26/07/2024 to 26/01/2025, this workshop was evaluated 1 times
The averages of the scores are:
Program and stages content: 10/10
Accomodation by the professional and exchanges: 9/10
Technical skills of the professional: 9/10
Organization and animation by Ateliers d'Ailleurs : 9/10

Basketry is considered the artcraft the more closer to nature, the production is entirely made from natural plant materials.

     During this workshop 5 hours, you will discover 2 weaving techniques, especially 2 Local raw materials widely used: the doum palm leaves and reed stems.

In the quite ambiance of the basketry workshop, you will test out the braiding of these 2 materials. And you will discover the  basketwork univers in Morocco: the other used materials , shapes and objects that can be achieved, and the workshop's ambiance that exudes simplicity and natural.

Two practical works are  planned : a tray braiding in reed leaves, and a basket in reed stems.

Basketry training course : doum palm leaves & reed stems

The program of your basketry training course includes:

  • From 3 hours and a half to 4 hours of practice to achieve 2 objects which you will take with you;
  • a tea-break  in company with Mohamed, craftsman basket maker;
  • the many fascinate explanations about the different used raw materials and the basketry artcraft.

The following services are included in your basketry training course :

  • the presence of an experimented professional during the whole workshop, the necessary tools and raw materials for your practical work,
  • the presence of a guide in charge of the translation,and ensures the good progress of the workshop and assist you in a general way.
  • The advantages during the workshop: snack "home made Moroccan pastry", photographing, a present from ateliers d'ailleurs
  • The advantages after the workshop:.emailing your photos, participation certificate.

Options :

  • extra rate for the 1 person workshops: 200 dhs or 18 euros;
  • supplement for transport from our meeting point (medina or guéliz) : 150dhs/14e (1pers) ; 120dhs/11e (2pers) ; 90dhs/8e (3pers or +), round-trip per personn.
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